2nd Grade Measurement Resources
Estimate the random time shown by only the hour hand. Click a button to slowly put the clock back together and refine your estimate. This version has minutes on multiples of 5; the third grade version can be any time.
Set the max price, then click start. A random price is generated for an item. Drag the coins onto the cash register to pay for it. Toggle the "Show total" to see how much you've paid (if needed), then click "Check" to see if you've paid the right amount.
A simple tool for exploring how a clock works. How does the minute hand move compared to the hour hand? What do we know about what time it is by looking at the hour hand?
Drag coins onto a dollar bill until you've got $1.00 in pennies, nickels, dimes, and/or quarters.
Drag coins or $1 bills into the piggy bank. Click to show the total amount.
A simple tool that allows you to separate the hour and minute hands of an analog clock in order to analyze them independently.
This is meant to help students see the relationship between coins and numbers. Begin the discussion by asking them what they notice as you cycle through the different versions of splitting up the 100 (controlled by the "Switcher" slider). The work to make connections between the bundles/groups and various coins. See below for a potential prompt. (Entire lesson linked here.)
Drag coins onto both banks (or Fill Randomly on both)
• Which bank has more? (I like that there'd be lots of ways to answer this)
• What coins would we add to make the banks equal?
Drag some coins onto one piggy bank (or Fill Randomly)
• Students tell you the value. Click to show total.
• Students tell you another way to reach the same total. Drag that onto the other piggy bank. Click show totals for both. Do they match?
Select the units you want to use, then guess the volume of the liquid in the container. Feedback provided.
Start by looking at a year, then gradually zoom in through the month/day/hour/minute.